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 Radar sells with an APHA registration application.  This is one of the most athletic little horses I have ever had the pleasure of working with. He's a blast to ride, all business and loves to work. This little gelding has been trained right, and has all the buttons. Pivots on both ends, sidepasses, picks up both leads, opens and closes gates, sidepasses over to pick you up off a stool or log (although at his height getting on isn't too dificult), ponies other horses, carries a flag, and is soft and responsive. Radar LOVES working cattle, is competitive at playdays and is great in the moutains as well! He travels and hauls great, been on many camping trips, well started on barrels, gathered and sorted cattle, started roping the dummy, drags logs, goes through water, over downfall, and through anything you point him at.  he is a kind horse that truly wants to please his rider. Super honest little guy with tons of try and plenty of ability to go with it.  He would be a PERFECT fit for a woman or advanced kid that wants to be competitive at barrels, playdays, or sorting; he's quick, responive and maneuverable and he carries himself well.  No buck or bad habits, no soundess issues.  I can't say enough good things about this exceptional gelding, he's the real deal.  


UPDATE 9/7/2016

Radar is getting used for giving riding lessons to an intermediate/advanced kid rider. 


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